Firstly, I really like this blogskin as it contains Pikachu. Secondly, I made a promise that I would create a blog after my O'levels. =D
Just as I promised, I shall try to type a joke every post.. I know some of you may not find it funny or you may say you saw it before, but just enjoy! =D
Once upon a time, there lived 3 little boys. Their names were Shut up, Manners and Trouble. One day, Trouble got lost! So Shut up and Manners went to the police station. Shut up went in while Manners waited outside.
Policeman: What is your name?
Shut up: Shut up.
Policeman: Where are your manners?
Shut up: Outside.
Policeman: Are you here looking for trouble?
Shut up: Yes!
(crows flying past...) =D