Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Fire at Yew Tee Square

There was huge smoke coming out from Yew Tee Square today! It seems that a fire started there and it attracted a huge crowd (including me) to go see.


Fireman spraying water at the windows

Some were cheering for the fireman when he was putting out fire!

Smoke coming out from the windows

Firemen preparing the ladder


This policeman above was probably making a call to ask for more tape to condorn off the area as the tape ran out






Poor bicycles, they were all wet when water was spraying at the windows

More grey smoke!


Far view of the smoke

Fireman climbing up

Fireman climbing up

Spraying from window to window

Glass break as they adjust the ladder

As you could see, I was able to get a good spot to see the whole event. Actually I could go higher to take better photos, but areas were condorned off and one fireman even went to chase off the by-standers! (which is around the carpark area)
This was definitely another eye-opener! It was rather rare for me to see firemen in actions! Haha~ =D

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Jai Ho

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Chinese oral

Whoa! I finished my Chinese 'A' Level Oral today!

Guess what was the conversation question?

It was:

Besides that, the 2 examiners (1 guy and 1 lady) never prompt me! I was so shocked, since I felt that one of them would definitely prompt me to say more! In the end, the lady said thank you to me and I was allowed to leave!

Luckily, both of them constantly smiled, which eased my nervousness. My school hall's air-condition made matter worst as it was freezing cold inside the hall. Haha..

Yeah! The Chinese oral was over! Leaving only listening and written paper! haha! =D

Monday, July 6, 2009


I received my new CK spectacles! yeah! haha..
I got to prepare for my chinese A'level oral..
When was it?
Tuesday @ 2pm =D