(translated from Good Question Good Answer 5th Revised Edition)
(翻自英文Good Question Good Answer 第五版)
Translator: Buddha Dhamma Mandala Society Chinese Translation Group
Brief Introduction
1. What Is Buddhism? 什么是佛教?
2. Basic Buddhist Concept 佛教的基本教义
3. Buddhism and the God-Idea 佛教与“神”的概念
4. The Five Precepts 五戒
5. Rebirth 轮回
6. Meditation 禅修
7. Wisdom and Compassion 智慧与慈悲
8. Vegetarianism 素食主义
9. Good Luck and Fate 运气与命运
10. Monks and Nuns 僧团
11. The Buddhist Scriptures 佛教的经典
12. History and Development 历史与发展
13. Becoming a Buddhist 皈依佛教
14. Some Sayings of the Buddha 佛陀语录
Brief introduction 简介
Venerable Shravasti Dhammika was born in Australia in 1951. He was ordained as a Buddhist monk in India in 1976 and later lived in Sri Lanka where he became well-known for his efforts to promote Buddhism. He worked in Singapore in 1985 being a spiritual Advisor to the Dhamma Mandala Society and several other Buddhist groups.
达弥卡法师(Venerable Shravasti Dhammika) 1951年出生于澳洲,1976年在印度落发为僧。他在斯里兰卡和新加坡居住多年,目前是新加坡佛教曼茶罗学会的宗教顾问。
Preface 序
I wrote most of this book in just a few days in 1987 and since that time several hundreds and thousands of copies of it have been printed in numerous editions. It has also been translated into 19 languages, most recently Polish, Laotian and Serbo-Croatian. I have often wondered what it is about this little book that has made it so widely spread and appreciated.
Some years ago, while researching the history of Buddhism in China, I heard a man named Mou Rong who lived in the late Han dynasty (late 2nd century CE) and who wrote a book called Mouzi lihuolun. When the Dhamma first came to China, it found itself at odds with Confucian ideas and values. Confucianists expected Buddhists to explain and justify their ideas before they would accept them, something Indian monks were not very good at doing as they knew so little about Chinese culture. Eventually Mou Rong came to the rescue. His book took the form of a Confucianist asking questions about the Dhamma to a Buddhist who answered them. As much as possible, he tried to reconcile Buddhism and Confucianism and highlighted their common features. Many people found the question and answer format easy and Mou Rong's answers ingenious and convincing. Mou Rong's book was very popular for several centuries and had an important role to play in helping the Chinese understand the Dhamma.
Good Question and Good Answer is nowhere near as good as the Mouzi lihuolun and it will certainly never be so enduring. But its question and answer format has probably got something to do with its popularity.
After you have finished reading it, give it to a friend and then make a point of reading more about the Dhamma so you can come to understand it in a broader and deeper way.
Nov 2008
1. What Is Buddhism? 什么是佛教?
QUESTION: What is Buddhism?
The name Buddhism comes from the word budhi which means 'to wake up' and thus Buddhism can be said to be the philosophy of awakening. This philosophy has its origins in the experience of the man Siddhattha Gotama, known as the Buddha, who was himself awakened at the age of 35. Buddhism is now more than 2,500 years old and has about 380 million followers worldwide. Until a hundred years ago Buddhism was mainly an Asian philosophy but increasingly it is gaining adherents in Europe, Australia and the Americas.
Back to 1.What is Buddhism?
QUESTION: So Buddhism is just a philosophy?
The word philosophy comes from two words philo, which means ‘love’, and sophia which means 'wisdom’. So philosophy is the love of wisdom, or love and wisdom. Both meanings describe Buddhism perfectly. Buddhism teaches that we should try to develop our intellectual ability to the fullest so that we can understand clearly. It also teaches us to develop love and kindness so that we can be like a true friend to all beings. So Buddhism is a philosophy but not just a philosophy. It is the supreme philosophy.
Back to 1.What is Buddhism?
QUESTION: Who was the Buddha?
In the year 563 BC a baby was born into a royal family in northern India. He grew up in wealth and luxury but eventually found that worldly comforts and security do not guarantee happiness. He was deeply moved by the suffering he saw all around and resolved to find the key to human happiness. When he was 29 he left his wife and child and set off to sit at the feet of the great religious teachers of the day and to learn from them. They taught him much but none really knew the cause of human suffering and how it could be overcome. Eventually, after six years study, struggle and meditation he had an experience in which all ignorance fell away and he suddenly understood. From that day onwards he was called the Buddha, the Awakened One. He lived for another 45 years during which time he traveled all over northern India teaching others what he had discovered. His compassion and patience were legendary and he had thousands of followers. In his 80th year, old and sick, but still dignified and serene, he finally died.
Back to 1.What is Buddhism?
QUESTION: If he was only called ‘Buddha’ after he had this profound realization, what was his name before that?
The Buddha’s family or clan name was Gotama, which means ‘best cow’, cattle being objects of wealth and prestige at that time. His given name was Siddhattha which means ‘attaining his goal’, the kind of name one would expect a ruler to give his son.
释迦牟尼佛,原名乔达摩·悉达多(巴利文:Gotama Siddhattha;梵文: Siddhārtha Gautama),古印度释迦族人(生于尼泊尔南部),佛教创始人。
(汉语读音释迦牟尼shì jiā móu ní,牟为多音字,在这里读móu。)
Back to 1.What is Buddhism?
QUESTION: Wasn't it irresponsible for the Buddha to walk out on his wife and child?
It couldn't have been an easy thing for the Buddha to leave his family. He must have worried and hesitated for a long time before he finally left. But he had a choice between dedicating himself to his family or dedicating himself to the world. In the end, his great compassion made him give himself to the whole world, and the whole world still benefits from his sacrifice. This was not irresponsible. It was perhaps the most significant sacrifice ever made.
Back to 1.What is Buddhism?
QUESTION: If the Buddha is dead how can he help us?
Faraday who discovered electricity is dead, but what he discovered still helps us. Louis Pasteur who found the cures for so many diseases is also dead, but his medical discoveries still save lives. Leonardo da Vinci who created masterpieces of art is dead, but what he created can still uplift the heart and give joy. Great heroes and heroines may have been dead for centuries but when we read of their deeds and achievements we can still be inspired to act as they did. Yes, the Buddha passed away but 2500 years later his teachings still help people, his example still inspires people, his words still change lives. Only a Buddha could have such power centuries after his passing.
发现电流的法拉迪(Faraday)已经不再人间,但他的发现仍让我们受益。发现了许多疾病的治疗方法的路易斯.巴斯特(Luis Pasteur)已过世多时,但他的医学发现还在挽救无数的性命。达文西(Leonardo da Vinci)这名大画家虽已逝世,但他的创作尚能振奋人心并继续陶治世人的性情。许多伟人与英雄人物,虽然已经死了数百年,但他们的事迹与成就还是激励我们。
Back to 1.What is Buddhism?
2. Basic Buddhist Concept 佛教的基本教义
3. Buddhism and the God-Idea 佛教与“神”的概念
4. The Five Precepts 五戒
5. Rebirth 轮回
6. Meditation 禅修
7. Wisdom and Compassion 智慧与慈悲
8. Vegetarianism 素食主义
9. Good Luck and Fate 运气与命运
10. Monks and Nuns 僧团
11. The Buddhist Scriptures 佛教的经典
12. History and Development 历史与发展
13. Becoming a Buddhist 皈依佛教
14. Some Sayings of the Buddha 佛陀语录
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