One of which was Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, consisting of 1) Explorers of Time, 2) Explorers of Darkness and 3) Explorers of Sky!
Another game was Facebook's Sims Social! It was a nice game, provided that there were many friends to help send items for completing the quest and if furniture were cheaper!
This is a strategy game, where one role-played the leader of a country and many small city-states accompany you within the game. Cool graphics and it will be truly entertaining when you win the game!
In addition, I also took the time to play Neopets!
Since there was the Advent calendar in Neopets and new surprises were given every day on December, so I would not want to miss that! I also re-decorated my neopets using items given by the Advent calendar, ever since I last played years ago! I wish I could get 1 more neopet! =D
Ciao! =D