Monday, November 28, 2011

Games for Entertainment

Attaining freedom after the major examinations are always sweet, especially when those games are better enjoyed when there is plenty of time.
One of which was Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, consisting of 1) Explorers of Time, 2) Explorers of Darkness and 3) Explorers of Sky!

Although I played and finished the whole story within the game before, it was a wonderful experience to replay those games! Furthermore, my favourite character, Pikachu, was within the game!

Another game was Facebook's Sims Social! It was a nice game, provided that there were many friends to help send items for completing the quest and if furniture were cheaper!

Coming up next was Civilization 5!
This is a strategy game, where one role-played the leader of a country and many small city-states accompany you within the game. Cool graphics and it will be truly entertaining when you win the game!

In addition, I also took the time to play Neopets!
Since there was the Advent calendar in Neopets and new surprises were given every day on December, so I would not want to miss that! I also re-decorated my neopets using items given by the Advent calendar, ever since I last played years ago! I wish I could get 1 more neopet! =D

Ciao! =D